domingo, 27 de setembro de 2009
rely on
confiar em, contar com, valer-se de, recorrer a
Congress Can't Rely on Public Opinion
Japanese couples rely on fake friends: Japanese couples, too busy for a normal social life, are increasingly turning to actors to play their friends on the most important days of their lives.
41 per cent of gamers rely on word of mouth to obtain information about videogames.
China will continue to rely on coal for most of its energy needs "for a long time", a senior official said on Friday,
Don't Rely On Anyone Music Video By EsOterica Produced By John F - More amazing videos are a click away
rely on
confiar em, contar com, valer-se de, recorrer a
Congress Can't Rely on Public Opinion
Japanese couples rely on fake friends: Japanese couples, too busy for a normal social life, are increasingly turning to actors to play their friends on the most important days of their lives.
41 per cent of gamers rely on word of mouth to obtain information about videogames.
China will continue to rely on coal for most of its energy needs "for a long time", a senior official said on Friday,
Don't Rely On Anyone Music Video By EsOterica Produced By John F - More amazing videos are a click away
Stay down
Não se levantar, ficar no chão/deitado, ficar entalado, persistir
And that foolish father of his, who thinks he's a prophet, will be lucky if he doesn't get his son killed. Stay down, boy, Stay Down!
What Causes Clutch pedal to stay down?
Stay down means persista in the song
Stay down
Não se levantar, ficar no chão/deitado, ficar entalado, persistir
And that foolish father of his, who thinks he's a prophet, will be lucky if he doesn't get his son killed. Stay down, boy, Stay Down!
What Causes Clutch pedal to stay down?
Stay down means persista in the song
Over time
Ao longo do tempo, no decorrer do tempo, com o tempo
Do seizures change characteristics over time?
Hi, has someone any statistical data on how likely a burned DVD will lose data over time?
Do Solarmax telescopes degrade over time?
Do all particles decay over time?
Why does lovemaking seem to change over time to just sex in a marriage?
Over time
Ao longo do tempo, no decorrer do tempo, com o tempo
Do seizures change characteristics over time?
Hi, has someone any statistical data on how likely a burned DVD will lose data over time?
Do Solarmax telescopes degrade over time?
Do all particles decay over time?
Why does lovemaking seem to change over time to just sex in a marriage?
work hard; scrape (the skin, etc), dent, rub
Temo que um dia Bruno e outros desenvolvedores se cansem de ralar de graça.
É importante não se meter em uma trilha mais pesada e ralar ou amassar seu carro.
Você vai ter que ralar muito no TAF, pode começar a treinar se ainda não começou.
Vai ter Que Ralar muito.
coloquial e vulgar Sei que já tá no 50 e que vou ralar pra caralho pra completar,mas a busca vale à pena.
No fim, os dois vão trabalhar nos mesmos lugares, e o engenheiro teve que ralar muito mais na faculdade.
Ele caiu da moto sem ralar os joelhos no asfalto.
Muito esforço, tem que ralar para conseguir uma vaga especial de Game Master na equipe, mas vale a pena, né?
Se você estiver procurando algo mais da mulher, além dos beijos e amassos de uma noite, vai ter que ralar um pouco mais.
Quem vai ralar o queijo?
vulgar Rala a tcheka no chão (rub your pussy on the floor)
work hard; scrape (the skin, etc), dent, rub
Temo que um dia Bruno e outros desenvolvedores se cansem de ralar de graça.
É importante não se meter em uma trilha mais pesada e ralar ou amassar seu carro.
Você vai ter que ralar muito no TAF, pode começar a treinar se ainda não começou.
Vai ter Que Ralar muito.
coloquial e vulgar Sei que já tá no 50 e que vou ralar pra caralho pra completar,mas a busca vale à pena.
No fim, os dois vão trabalhar nos mesmos lugares, e o engenheiro teve que ralar muito mais na faculdade.
Ele caiu da moto sem ralar os joelhos no asfalto.
Muito esforço, tem que ralar para conseguir uma vaga especial de Game Master na equipe, mas vale a pena, né?
Se você estiver procurando algo mais da mulher, além dos beijos e amassos de uma noite, vai ter que ralar um pouco mais.
Quem vai ralar o queijo?
vulgar Rala a tcheka no chão (rub your pussy on the floor)
In so long
(já) há tanto/muito tempo, faz um tempão que (geralmente com not)
I could very well be wrong about it, I haven't read it in so long.
Poderia estar enganado a respeito disto, já não o leio há tanto tempo.
My problem is that I haven't been to the US in so long, I've lost my fluency.
Meu problema é que não vou aos EUA há tanto tempo que perdi a fluência.
However, we haven't been to Flushing in so long and don't have plans to go until November.
Entretanto, não vamos a Flushing há muito tempo e não planejamos ir antes de novembro.
I haven't played guitar in so long, man!
Faz um tempão que não toco guitarra, cara!
Haven't seen you in so long.
Faz um tempão que não te vejo/Faz tempo que não.../Já não te vejo há um bom tempo/há bastante tempo.
In so long
(já) há tanto/muito tempo, faz um tempão que (geralmente com not)
I could very well be wrong about it, I haven't read it in so long.
Poderia estar enganado a respeito disto, já não o leio há tanto tempo.
My problem is that I haven't been to the US in so long, I've lost my fluency.
Meu problema é que não vou aos EUA há tanto tempo que perdi a fluência.
However, we haven't been to Flushing in so long and don't have plans to go until November.
Entretanto, não vamos a Flushing há muito tempo e não planejamos ir antes de novembro.
I haven't played guitar in so long, man!
Faz um tempão que não toco guitarra, cara!
Haven't seen you in so long.
Faz um tempão que não te vejo/Faz tempo que não.../Já não te vejo há um bom tempo/há bastante tempo.
supposed to
(with to be)espera-se, ser para, dever, marcar, ser preciso, ser a função de, ser o objetivo de, servir para, ser assim mesmo, ser para ser assim mesmo, ser que
We are supposed to obey our parents.
Espera-se que obedeçamos nossos pais/temos que obedecer nossos pais/É preciso que obedeçamos nossos pais.
We are supposed to meet at seven.
Esperamos nos encontrar as 7./É para nos encontrarmos as 7./Marcamos para as 7.
Hey, it's supposed to be a big 'surprise'!
Ei, é para ser uma grande surpresa./É preciso que seja uma grande surpresa.
Soldiers are supposed to obey orders.
Espera-se que soldados obedeçam ordens./Soldados devem.../É natural pensar que soldados obedeçam ordens.
What is that supposed to mean?
Qual é a insinuação? O que você insinuou? O que isso supostamente significa?
What's that lever supposed to do?
O que faz essa alavanca?/Qual é a função desta alavanca?/Para que serve...
A teacher is supposed to help students.
Espera-se que um professor auxilie os alunos/A função de um professor é ajudar os alunos/Um professor deve auxiliar os alunos./É para um professor auxiliar os alunos.
If you're supposed to promote literacy, use plain English.
Se é para promover o alfabetismo, use um inglês normal./Se o objetivo é promover o alfabetismo, use um inglês normal.
The missile is supposed to hit the target unfailingly.
O míssil tem o objetivo de atingir o alvo sem falha./Espera-se que o míssil.../A função do míssil...
Now what am I supposed to do?
E agora, o que devo fazer?/O que se espera que eu faça?/ O que supostamente devo fazer?/
Aren't the preview files supposed to be encrypted?
Os arquivos de pre-visualização não deveriam estar criptografadas?
Ten things you're not supposed to know about the swine flu vaccine.
Dez coisas que você não deveria saber sobre a vacina da febre suína./que não querem que você saiba...
Is Virtual Media supposed to be this slow?
Virtual Media é vagarosa assim mesmo?
She's supposed to be like this, she's the villain in the story.
É para ela ser assim mesmo, ela é a vilã da história.
How am I supposed to prevent a murder trapped in an elevator?
Como é que vou impedir um assassinato preso em um elevador?
I'm not even supposed to be here!
Eu nem deveria estar aqui./Nem era para eu estar aqui.
How am I supposed to live without you?
Como é que vou viver sem você?
How it was supposed to be
Como deveria ser
supposed to
(with to be)espera-se, ser para, dever, marcar, ser preciso, ser a função de, ser o objetivo de, servir para, ser assim mesmo, ser para ser assim mesmo, ser que
We are supposed to obey our parents.
Espera-se que obedeçamos nossos pais/temos que obedecer nossos pais/É preciso que obedeçamos nossos pais.
We are supposed to meet at seven.
Esperamos nos encontrar as 7./É para nos encontrarmos as 7./Marcamos para as 7.
Hey, it's supposed to be a big 'surprise'!
Ei, é para ser uma grande surpresa./É preciso que seja uma grande surpresa.
Soldiers are supposed to obey orders.
Espera-se que soldados obedeçam ordens./Soldados devem.../É natural pensar que soldados obedeçam ordens.
What is that supposed to mean?
Qual é a insinuação? O que você insinuou? O que isso supostamente significa?
What's that lever supposed to do?
O que faz essa alavanca?/Qual é a função desta alavanca?/Para que serve...
A teacher is supposed to help students.
Espera-se que um professor auxilie os alunos/A função de um professor é ajudar os alunos/Um professor deve auxiliar os alunos./É para um professor auxiliar os alunos.
If you're supposed to promote literacy, use plain English.
Se é para promover o alfabetismo, use um inglês normal./Se o objetivo é promover o alfabetismo, use um inglês normal.
The missile is supposed to hit the target unfailingly.
O míssil tem o objetivo de atingir o alvo sem falha./Espera-se que o míssil.../A função do míssil...
Now what am I supposed to do?
E agora, o que devo fazer?/O que se espera que eu faça?/ O que supostamente devo fazer?/
Aren't the preview files supposed to be encrypted?
Os arquivos de pre-visualização não deveriam estar criptografadas?
Ten things you're not supposed to know about the swine flu vaccine.
Dez coisas que você não deveria saber sobre a vacina da febre suína./que não querem que você saiba...
Is Virtual Media supposed to be this slow?
Virtual Media é vagarosa assim mesmo?
She's supposed to be like this, she's the villain in the story.
É para ela ser assim mesmo, ela é a vilã da história.
How am I supposed to prevent a murder trapped in an elevator?
Como é que vou impedir um assassinato preso em um elevador?
I'm not even supposed to be here!
Eu nem deveria estar aqui./Nem era para eu estar aqui.
How am I supposed to live without you?
Como é que vou viver sem você?
How it was supposed to be
Como deveria ser
sábado, 26 de setembro de 2009
How else
De que outra forma, de que outra maneira, com qual outro nome
How else is the Warsaw Pact known?
How Else Is He Going to Learn Not to Fall off That Bike, if he doesn't ride it?
How else can you help?
I don't know how else to describe it.
How else
De que outra forma, de que outra maneira, com qual outro nome
How else is the Warsaw Pact known?
How Else Is He Going to Learn Not to Fall off That Bike, if he doesn't ride it?
How else can you help?
I don't know how else to describe it.
take it outside
vá fumar lá fora, vão brigar lá fora, leve isso para fora, vão transar lá fora (depende do contexto)
Condominium owners tell smokers: Take it outside (but not on balcony either)
Take it outside. Never start anything inside the bar unless it's absolutely necessary.
take it outside
vá fumar lá fora, vão brigar lá fora, leve isso para fora, vão transar lá fora (depende do contexto)
Condominium owners tell smokers: Take it outside (but not on balcony either)
Take it outside. Never start anything inside the bar unless it's absolutely necessary.
look at you
look at you
Look what the cat dragged in
Upon meeting an ex-boyfriend at a party
"Well well! Look what the cat dragged in!"
2. Você está acabado, você está um caco. Você não está se cuidando.
Honey, don't I look fabulous in this new dress?"
"Look what the cat dragged in."
3. Olha só quem entrou. Quem é vivo sempre aparece.
Os significados dependem da entonação.
Look what the cat dragged in
Upon meeting an ex-boyfriend at a party
"Well well! Look what the cat dragged in!"
2. Você está acabado, você está um caco. Você não está se cuidando.
Honey, don't I look fabulous in this new dress?"
"Look what the cat dragged in."
3. Olha só quem entrou. Quem é vivo sempre aparece.
Os significados dependem da entonação.
dead giveaway
o que entrega alguém, o que faz algo ser revelado, o que entrega o jogo.
He said he isn't Carioca, but his accent is a dead giveaway.
dead giveaway
o que entrega alguém, o que faz algo ser revelado, o que entrega o jogo.
He said he isn't Carioca, but his accent is a dead giveaway.
give away
entregar (a noiva no casamento); entregar-se, revelar sem querer, entregar o disfarce
What gave me away?
O que me entregou?
O que revelou meu disfarce?
It would be cute if your son gave you away or was best man!
give away
entregar (a noiva no casamento); entregar-se, revelar sem querer, entregar o disfarce
What gave me away?
O que me entregou?
O que revelou meu disfarce?
It would be cute if your son gave you away or was best man!
host country
Honduras, the host country, beat Nicaragua Saturday 4-1 to secure their place.
host country
Honduras, the host country, beat Nicaragua Saturday 4-1 to secure their place.
in overtime
The US did not surrender a goal in the first 359 minutes of Gold Cup play this year. But, after blanking three opponents and holding Brazil scoreless for 89 minutes, the US lost to the Brazilians, 2-1, in overtime in the semifinals last night.
in overtime
The US did not surrender a goal in the first 359 minutes of Gold Cup play this year. But, after blanking three opponents and holding Brazil scoreless for 89 minutes, the US lost to the Brazilians, 2-1, in overtime in the semifinals last night.
to nothing

Honduras beat Chilean National Team 2 to Nothing at Lockhart Stadium in Fort Lauderdale.
Yesterday, Italy defeated host country Germany 2 to nothing. Italy scored in overtime with goals from Fabio Grosso in the 119th minute and Alessandro Del Piero in the 121st minute. Italy had to defeat Germany in overtime and could not afford to have a penalty shootout with the Germans who are unbeaten in previous matches that involved a penalty shootout. The Italians out-hassled the Germans in the final minutes and made two well executed attacks that led to goals.
to nothing

Honduras beat Chilean National Team 2 to Nothing at Lockhart Stadium in Fort Lauderdale.
Yesterday, Italy defeated host country Germany 2 to nothing. Italy scored in overtime with goals from Fabio Grosso in the 119th minute and Alessandro Del Piero in the 121st minute. Italy had to defeat Germany in overtime and could not afford to have a penalty shootout with the Germans who are unbeaten in previous matches that involved a penalty shootout. The Italians out-hassled the Germans in the final minutes and made two well executed attacks that led to goals.
Não se pode agradar gregos e troianos
Não se pode agradar gregos e troianos
bells and whistles
Bells and whistles refers to non-essential features, visual or functional, that are an enhancement to the object.
bells and whistles
Bells and whistles refers to non-essential features, visual or functional, that are an enhancement to the object.
Bells and Whistles
Bells and whistles refers to non-essential but often engaging features added to a piece of technical equipment or a computer program to make it seem more superficially attractive without enhancing its main function. The phrase is actually quite modern and may be a product of the American military. At least, one of its earliest appearances was in an article in Atlantic in October 1982, which said it was “Pentagon slang for extravagant frills”. There’s some evidence that the term has actually been around since the 1960s, but the early evidence is sparse. Where it comes from is still a matter of learned debate. A literal sense of the phrase appeared around the middle of the nineteenth century, referring to streetcars, railways and steamships. Before modern electronics, there were really only two ways to make a loud warning noise — you either rang a bell or tooted a whistle. Steam made the latter a real power in the land (anybody who has heard the noisy out-of-tune calliope on the steamboat Natchez at New Orleans will agree about its power, though less so about its glory). And at one time “clang, clang, clang went the trolley” in large numbers of American cities. At least some early US railroad locomotives had both bells and whistles, as this extract from an article in Appleton’s Journal of 1876 shows: You look up at an angle of sixty degrees and see sweeping along the edge of a precipice, two-thirds up the rocky height, a train of red-and-yellow railway-cars, drawn by two wood-burning engines, the sound of whose bells and whistles seems like the small diversions of very little children, so diminished are they by the distance.
I am told that the bells and whistles on locomotives were used for different signalling purposes, so that both were considered necessary, though not strictly essential, parts of its equipment. It may be that the coiners of the phrase had this in mind. Indeed, it is sometimes said that the term arose out of model railway societies, where to have a layout in which locomotives had their bells and whistles meant that it was fully equipped down to the smallest detail, and thus one up on enthusiasts who didn’t have them. Further support for this idea came from Ed Kemmick, who pointed out that an inverted form of the phrase is in a song by the American bluesman Blind Willie McTell, Broke Down Engine Blues No. 2, recorded in New York City in 1933. The relevant part of the lyric is this:
Feel like a broke-down engine, mama,
ain’t got no whistles or bells.
Feel like a broke-down engine, baby,
ain’t got no whistles or bells.
If you’re a real hot mama,
come take away Daddy’s weeping spell.
This may just be an accidental similarity of usage, but it does seem to show that at this date bells and whistles were linked especially to railway locomotives. However, it’s more probable the slang sense of the term comes from that close musical relative of the calliope, the theatre organ. Extraordinary instruments such as the Mighty Wurlitzer augmented their basic repertoire by all sorts of sound effects to help the organist accompany silent films, among them car horns, sirens, and bird whistles. These effects were called toys, and organs often had toy counters with 20 or more noisemakers on them, including various bells and whistles. In the 1950s, decades after the talkies came in, but while theatre organs were still common in big movie houses, these fun features must have been considered no longer essential to the function of the organ but mere fripperies, inessential add-ons. It’s possible the slang sense grew out of that. It got taken up especially by the computing industry, perhaps because opportunities to add them are so great.
Bells and Whistles
Bells and whistles refers to non-essential but often engaging features added to a piece of technical equipment or a computer program to make it seem more superficially attractive without enhancing its main function. The phrase is actually quite modern and may be a product of the American military. At least, one of its earliest appearances was in an article in Atlantic in October 1982, which said it was “Pentagon slang for extravagant frills”. There’s some evidence that the term has actually been around since the 1960s, but the early evidence is sparse. Where it comes from is still a matter of learned debate. A literal sense of the phrase appeared around the middle of the nineteenth century, referring to streetcars, railways and steamships. Before modern electronics, there were really only two ways to make a loud warning noise — you either rang a bell or tooted a whistle. Steam made the latter a real power in the land (anybody who has heard the noisy out-of-tune calliope on the steamboat Natchez at New Orleans will agree about its power, though less so about its glory). And at one time “clang, clang, clang went the trolley” in large numbers of American cities. At least some early US railroad locomotives had both bells and whistles, as this extract from an article in Appleton’s Journal of 1876 shows: You look up at an angle of sixty degrees and see sweeping along the edge of a precipice, two-thirds up the rocky height, a train of red-and-yellow railway-cars, drawn by two wood-burning engines, the sound of whose bells and whistles seems like the small diversions of very little children, so diminished are they by the distance.
I am told that the bells and whistles on locomotives were used for different signalling purposes, so that both were considered necessary, though not strictly essential, parts of its equipment. It may be that the coiners of the phrase had this in mind. Indeed, it is sometimes said that the term arose out of model railway societies, where to have a layout in which locomotives had their bells and whistles meant that it was fully equipped down to the smallest detail, and thus one up on enthusiasts who didn’t have them. Further support for this idea came from Ed Kemmick, who pointed out that an inverted form of the phrase is in a song by the American bluesman Blind Willie McTell, Broke Down Engine Blues No. 2, recorded in New York City in 1933. The relevant part of the lyric is this:
Feel like a broke-down engine, mama,
ain’t got no whistles or bells.
Feel like a broke-down engine, baby,
ain’t got no whistles or bells.
If you’re a real hot mama,
come take away Daddy’s weeping spell.
This may just be an accidental similarity of usage, but it does seem to show that at this date bells and whistles were linked especially to railway locomotives. However, it’s more probable the slang sense of the term comes from that close musical relative of the calliope, the theatre organ. Extraordinary instruments such as the Mighty Wurlitzer augmented their basic repertoire by all sorts of sound effects to help the organist accompany silent films, among them car horns, sirens, and bird whistles. These effects were called toys, and organs often had toy counters with 20 or more noisemakers on them, including various bells and whistles. In the 1950s, decades after the talkies came in, but while theatre organs were still common in big movie houses, these fun features must have been considered no longer essential to the function of the organ but mere fripperies, inessential add-ons. It’s possible the slang sense grew out of that. It got taken up especially by the computing industry, perhaps because opportunities to add them are so great.
stick to the basics
As a rule, prepaid cell phones from the major carriers stick to the basics.
In other words, if someone is really doing the work and not tire-kicking, they tend to stick to the basics without adding the extra oomph that Sam often does.
Stick to the basics, people. It’s very simple and no need to confuse the matter.
I am a huge lover of dining out, and especially love restaurants that stick to the basics, i.e., great food, great service, and a warm environment.
Mastering the commands takes a lot of time – meaning that, at least initially, most players will probably stick to the basics.
In this day and age of “bells and whistles” marketing, Cuddeback chose to stick to the basics with the Capture digital scouting camera.
A long description of this game would be an incredible insult to your intelligence, so I’ll stick to the basics and get right to the criteria section.
We tend to stick to the basics when we head out to restaurants to review. You know, the usual stuff like Mexican, Italian, burgers, etc.
stick to the basics
As a rule, prepaid cell phones from the major carriers stick to the basics.
In other words, if someone is really doing the work and not tire-kicking, they tend to stick to the basics without adding the extra oomph that Sam often does.
Stick to the basics, people. It’s very simple and no need to confuse the matter.
I am a huge lover of dining out, and especially love restaurants that stick to the basics, i.e., great food, great service, and a warm environment.
Mastering the commands takes a lot of time – meaning that, at least initially, most players will probably stick to the basics.
In this day and age of “bells and whistles” marketing, Cuddeback chose to stick to the basics with the Capture digital scouting camera.
A long description of this game would be an incredible insult to your intelligence, so I’ll stick to the basics and get right to the criteria section.
We tend to stick to the basics when we head out to restaurants to review. You know, the usual stuff like Mexican, Italian, burgers, etc.
Reel it in
When you have hooked a fish using a fishing rod with a line, to bring the fish to shore or into your boat is called "reel it in"
When you have hooked a fish using a fishing rod with a line, to bring the fish to shore or into your boat is called "reel it in"
Well, I caught a fairly large bat ray the other day and had a tough time trying to reel it in.
Don't reel it in when the fish is struggling. You can tell it's struggling by seeing if the water is splashing violently
On the last day of his trip he hooked a monster fish & proceeded to reel it in.
Hungry Little Fish - Watch more Funny Videos
Reel it in
When you have hooked a fish using a fishing rod with a line, to bring the fish to shore or into your boat is called "reel it in"
When you have hooked a fish using a fishing rod with a line, to bring the fish to shore or into your boat is called "reel it in"
Well, I caught a fairly large bat ray the other day and had a tough time trying to reel it in.
Don't reel it in when the fish is struggling. You can tell it's struggling by seeing if the water is splashing violently
On the last day of his trip he hooked a monster fish & proceeded to reel it in.
Hungry Little Fish - Watch more Funny Videos
cavalo da calça
Here are some examples:
In such positions the crotch of the pants "ride-up" to the crotch of the wearer so that the pants feel tight and uncomfortable to the wearer.
If you're making long pants, line up the crotch of the pants with the crotch of the pattern piece.
Construct the crotch of the pants by drawing a curve from the outside edge of the line that is based on the thigh measurement to the edge of the waist.
A pant's "rise" refers to the measurement between the crotch of the pants and its top.
cavalo da calça
Here are some examples:
In such positions the crotch of the pants "ride-up" to the crotch of the wearer so that the pants feel tight and uncomfortable to the wearer.
If you're making long pants, line up the crotch of the pants with the crotch of the pattern piece.
Construct the crotch of the pants by drawing a curve from the outside edge of the line that is based on the thigh measurement to the edge of the waist.
A pant's "rise" refers to the measurement between the crotch of the pants and its top.
cavalo da calça
Crotch of the pants
Here are some examples:
In such positions the crotch of the pants "ride-up" to the crotch of the wearer so that the pants feel tight and uncomfortable to the wearer.
If you're making long pants, line up the crotch of the pants with the crotch of the pattern piece.
Construct the crotch of the pants by drawing a curve from the outside edge of the line that is based on the thigh measurement to the edge of the waist.
A pant's "rise" refers to the measurement between the crotch of the pants and its top.
Você é muito exibido. Eu queria que você estivesse aqui. Você seria o padrinho do meu casamento também.
Definido como um jovem ninja muito exibido e energético de Konoha, sem dizer “problemático” .
Quanto a Naiá, desfilando de biquíni pra lá e pra cá, ela é muito exibida.
Não anda sendo muito exibido pelo SBT, então aproveitem! Foi o primeiro episódio gravado após a saída de Carlos Villagrán (Quico) do elenco.
“Sweet dreams” torna-se o primeiro grande hit da banda, muito exibido pelas MTV’s .
A Testuda E O Exibido. Sinopse: Sakura é uma estudante muito dedicada, com o apelido de testuda nerd.
He got solid taste and he’s out to win.
Sam’s back and he’s out to find the people behind his daughter’s, supposedly accidental death.
When the CIA suddenly finds Bourne back on their radar screen, they put him in play as a target, fearing he’s out to expose the questionable legality of their clandestine rub-out program when in actuality he’s first and foremost trying to piece together his own history.
She’s out to kick butt; that’s for sure.
Aspiring chef Heidi is convinced burgers can be fine cuisine too – and she’s out to prove it .
she’s out to show us that all the money in the world doesn’t exactly bring happiness .
She’s out to get you.
Travis: Killer Queen