sábado, 3 de outubro de 2009

put down

A palavra tônica é down

1.controlar, dar um jeito em, reprimir,

They put down the rebellion.

If you don't put down that rabid dog, it'll kill more people.

2. rebaixar, desmoralizar

He's always putting me down, I can't stand it any longer.

After I had my two children I gained about 65 pounds. I'm still young, 21, and married, but my husband is always putting me down and calling me fat names. He thinks he's helping me, but he isn't. It makes me depressed and makes me want to eat more.


Put down your weapon and come out with your hands up!

4.colocar em cima da mesa, no chão, guardar.

Put down your dish and come say hello to your daddy.

Put down the pen and come here.


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