sábado, 10 de outubro de 2009



They peered over the edge of the roof to look at the girls bathing in the river.

The fabric was frayed at the edge.

She sat on the edge of the counter, swinging her legs.


He made us all nervous by standing so close to the edge of the cliff.

We sat at the water's edge.

3.gume, fio, corte

The edge of the ax was really sharp.

The razor's edge couldn't cut anything anymore.

This knife has no edge.

4. rispidez, aspereza

His comments had a sarcastic edge.

5.vigor, energia, vivacidade (como o fio de navalha, que corta bem)

Her writing seems to have lost its edge.

The athlete said he'd lost his edge, so it was time to retire.

6.blunt the edge (tirar o corte): amenizar

These amendments will blunt the edge of the legislation.

7. vantagem (poder de corte de uma faca)

My experience gave me the edge when I applied for the job.

The school needs to get/gain an edge on its competition.

Rede globo still has/holds an edge over its competitors.

8.a competitive edge (ter o gume sobre os outros)

If you don't have the competitive edge, you are in trouble.

9.live (life) on the edge or live close to the edge (comparando com a beira de um abismo ou de um ponto alto), levar uma vida se arriscando mais que o normal.

He likes to live on the edge, that's why he climbs mountains.

10. on edge: nervoso, uma pilha de nervos (como se estivesse à beira do abismo)

She was on edge [=edgy] before her driving test.

11.on the edge of: à beira de

There are many species on the edge of extinction.

The company is teetering on the edge of bankruptcy.

That band is on the edge of success.

12.on the edge of your seat (quase caindo da cadeira de tanta emoção ao ver algo interessante)

It's a thrilling movie that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.

13. over the edge (que passou da beira do abismo e já está caindo) descontrolado, louco.

John's friends worried that the news might send/drive/push him over the edge, he's already constantly on edge as it is.

14.take the edge off (tirar o gume, o fio) amenizar

This medication will take the edge off your pain.

A glass of milk will take the edge off your hunger.

sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2009

give head

fazer sexo oral (em homem)
Can you catch AIDS from giving head?



1.encabeçar, liderar

She heads the Board.

He headed the strike.

The group was headed by a Brazilian mobster.

He heads the list of candidates for the job.

2.dirigir-se para, ir a,

She was heading to work when she was hit by a car.

I'm heading to the post office, would you like me to send your Sedex?

After lunch, we headed back to the office.

3.percorrer, trafegar em

I got into the car and headed up São João Avenue.

4. sair ( com out)

She headed out early this morning because she had a dentist appointment.

5.seguir rumo (ponto cardeal)

The birds have already started heading south for the winter.

He headed north to his parents' home.

6 to be headed/heading (estar se dirigindo a)

Where are you headed?

The boat was heading out to sea.

We were on a plane headed for Rio de Janeiro when the news hit us.

7.cabecear, dar uma cabeçada em

The forward headed the ball into the goal.

Pelé has headed many balls into goals.

8. evitar, impedir (com off), desviar com a cabeça

President Lula tried to head off the crisis by raising interest rates.



1.Bater em, espancar

she hit her child all the time, that's why they took it from her.

A car hit my wall, now I have to build another one.

The ball hit the window, let's run away!

He hit the ball with a bat.

2. atropelar

A car hit her when she was going to the supermarket.

A taxi almost hit him as he was crossing the street.

He was hit by a truck and died.

3. afetar muito, causar um grande baque

The tragedy hit her hard and she took quite a while to get over it.

Our department has been badly hit by the cutbacks.

4.atingir, chegar a

Government spending will hit 1 billion.

What time did you hit town yesterday?

5.dar-se conta, tocar-se (it hit me)

It hit me that I had forgotten the gas on.

6. dar uma pancada, porrada, murro

She hit him in the face.

He was hit over the head with a broken bottle.


She shot at me and hit me, now she'll pay for it, I promise!

Did you miss or hit the target?

8.pisar em, meter a mão em

Hit the brakes or we'll hit the wall!

9.pedir dinheiro emprestado no valor de (hit somebody for $)

She hit her friend for 10 dollars.

10. procurar, ir a

This is the best time to hit the stores.

11. dar uma carta para (em jogo de baralho, etc)

Hit me again, my cards are lousy.

12. bater

I accidentally hit my head on/against the side of the door.

I hit my elbow on the wall.

13. atacar

Our plan is to hit the enemy before they can hit us.

tirar par ou ímpar

play odds or evens

If there are more than two people, you can play "Odd Finger is It" to decide who goes first or you can play "Odds or Evens".

My husband has been making fun of me for the way I play Odds or Evens. I naturally sang out, "Row, sham, bow," before I shot out two finger.

You even get to play "Odds or Evens" where everyone gets to throw out fingers to Negaduck.

play odds or evens

tirar par ou ímpar

If there are more than two people, you can play "Odd Finger is It" to decide who goes first or you can play "Odds or Evens".

My husband has been making fun of me for the way I play Odds or Evens. I naturally sang out, "Row, sham, bow," before I shot out two finger.

You even get to play "Odds or Evens" where everyone gets to throw out fingers to Negaduck.


perder algo bom (festa, filme, diversão)

You missed the big surprise party.

You missed a great movie on TV last night.

You missed your son's teen years, nothing can make up for that.

I missed the bus, now I'll have to take a taxi.

Don't miss this exciting opportunity!

I've missed the chance of my life, now things won't be so great for a while.

2. errar

You missed me, shoot again, you bastard!

He shot me with an arrow, sir, he missed my chest, but hit my leg, see?

You missed the target.

3. sentir falta/saudade de

I miss you a lot, Jane, when will you come back home?

Anne, who died on July 22, will be sadly missed by all who knew her.

4. não ver, ouvir, notar, deixar passar despercebido

Hey, you missed the street, now you have to go back.

I missed what you said, could you repeat, please?

He completely missed the point of what I was saying.

Turn left and you'll see a statue, you can't miss it, it's very big.

5.faltar, não comparecer a

That's the fifth time you miss class this month, son, they'll kick you out if you go on like that.

She never missed a meeting.

6. não acertar

The shot missed her by inches.

The arrow missed my leg, but hit my foot.

Ronaldinho missed the goal.

He tried to score, but missed.

The plane crashed, narrowly missing a hotel.


I left early to miss the rush-hour traffic.

8. não cumprir (prazo)

You missed the deadline again, sorry, but I'll have to fire you.